
S1 E1 I'm Home
Scarlet arrives home after spending a year in South East Asia mending a broken heart. Not only is she back, but she knows exactly what she wants. In fact she has a list, of all the things she needs to be happy, including finding her soul mate. When she shows up on her best friend Alex's doorstep she isn't exactly welcomed back with open arms. But this doesn't deter Scarlet who drags Alex into helping her track down and tick off the items on her list. And it all goes to plan -- at first. While finding a job isn't that hard, finding your soul mate is a whole other story.

S1 E2 Dress Up
Things are going well for Scarlet, she's over her jet-lag and she's even managed to tick a few things off her list. She's enjoying work at the bookshop, she's found a yoga studio close to home and she's set up her twitter account. However, she's not having much luck finding her soul mate. So Scarlet does what any lesbian in her situation would do, and turns to her best friend for help. Having always found it difficult to say no to Scarlet, Alex reluctantly gives her the details for a private party that night. Scarlet arrives at the party all dressed up and ready for anything, however, as usually happens where Scarlet's involved, things don't quite turn out as planned.

S1 E3 The Justin Bieber Look
Still reeling from the "Xena incident", Scarlet's found it difficult to keep up the pure, healthy, Zen lifestyle she vowed to live on her return to Newtown. It takes a drunken epiphany for her to realise that her body is a temple and she has to treat it as such. She also realises she's not going to find her soul mate falling asleep on the couch after too many. Her soul mate's out there, she just has to find her. But first thing's first. Before she can do anything else, a new look is in order.

S1 E4 The Puppy Episode
Minus the Justin Bieber wig, Scarlet jumps online to try and find her soul mate, but an empty inbox tests her patience. She wants to do something and she wants to do it now. And then it hits her -- lesbians love dogs! If she can get her hands on a dog, the girls won't be able to stay away. She manages to find a dog but not only does it come with an unwanted guest, it's not exactly the chick magnet she thought it would be.

S1 E5 Juicy
Scarlet asks Alex to be her wingman for the evening at Newtown's inaugural lesbian book club, but Alex is somewhat sceptical of the potential for picking-up. Hoping to impress, Scarlet is hastily trying to finish the book on time, but as the hours tick down the task becomes that much more difficult. Meanwhile Alex is not impressed with Scarlet's new 'health-kick' purchase or her 'lingering-like-a-bad-smell' ex-girlfriend. Will the book club be the key to Scarlet finding love? Scarlet certainly hopes so!

S1 E6 Balls!
The book club went well and Scarlet made some new friends, but alas there were no love connections made (for her at least). With an updated online-dating profile, she is already getting a stack of hits; as it turns out lesbians like sports, which now Scarlet likes too! But her next adventure into the world of digital dating leaves Scarlet lost and delirious. Will Scarlet risk life and limb to find the woman of her dreams or will faking sporting interests be her demise?

S1 E7 It's A Date
So it turns out that chicks do dig scars... or maybe just cute women in distress! Now that Scarlet has recovered from her minor head wound she is determined to make lemonade from lemons and seize her opportunities. She has got herself a hot date (the first one in over a year) and she's pulling out all the stops. She's determined to make a better second impression but can she pull it together enough to just enjoy herself, or will she over-think things, as usual?

S1 E8 Super Green
It seems envy is in the air for everyone but Scarlet, who is still on a high from her new romance with Dr Lexie. Scarlet's loving the lovin' feeling, but Alex isn't thrilled with this sudden and Scarlet-typical move. Will Scarlet heed her friend's advice or will tensions flare between the two best friends? Meanwhile Kym discovers secrets that could threaten Alex and Scarlet's friendship forever, but now that she has this knowledge, what will she do with it?

S1 E9 At The Vanishing Point (Part 1)
Scarlet's feeling on top of the world and is walking around on her private little cloud 9. Everything is wonderful! She's loving her job, she's made new friends, and oh yeah, she has Lexie. It's her birthday and Alex has something special planned but no one will tell her what it is, not even Lexie. But when uninvited guests turn up to the surprise shindig, Scarlet's cloud 9 shatters. It turns out she will get more than one surprise tonight and not all surprises are so enjoyable.

S1 E10 At The Vanishing Point (Part 2)
Just when she thought she finally had her life under control, Scarlet's world gets tipped upside down. It seems everyone is vying for a place at Scarlet's side and now Scarlet must choose between old love, new love and a love that she never expected. What does Scarlet really want? Will she follow her heart? Who will she choose?
Scarlet returns to the ‘scene’ after years of absence to confront the typically-lesbian obstacles of ex-girlfriends, fashion faux pas, romantic advances from authority figures and a complicated relationship with her long-time best friend, Alex. Will Scarlet find what she is looking for or will pretending to be someone she isn’t result in her losing everything?
Created By: Natalie Krikowa and Julie Kalceff
Comedy · Drama